What’s up, buckorinos? We’re knee-deep in pre-Ludum Dare 43 jollyness! The Whales and Games team is not only proud to announce that we’ll be wagging our way into the event, but also that, this time around, we’ve got our most all-stars and composed team as of yet, with most of our team members participating for the first time together!
We’ve got Jorge and Kroltan on the programming key business, Moski on the wrist-wrecking artistic-doodle labor, Zak dropping the beats with audio composing, and Poncho doing whatever he finds interesting to do at the time of the jam because he couldn’t properly identify a role that fit him in time of the event! ?
Our tools of trade for this edition are the same they’ve always been, power-proofed and tested for the event!
- Unity, most specifically the 2018.3 version that is still in beta, so we get used to working with those sweet nested prefabs during the jam!
- FL-Studio for the audio composing, mixing and all. In Zak’s own personal words, “it’s good”.
- Krita, the free open-source digital painting program, for 2D asset making purposes!
Now you know the team and you know the tools. But who exactly are we Whales and Games? Well, we’ve an indie game development team that has already participated a handful of times before in Ludum Dare. Our first game and our first Ludum Dare entry was Colossorama, originally made for LD36; followed by Hyper Holomayhem 37 for LD37; Petty Puny Planet for LD38; Jazzy Beats for LD40; with our latest entry being Wizsnooks for LD41. It makes up quite the portfolio.
We’ve been hard at work during the past months working on a new update to our first entry Colossorama, but decided it’d be good to catch a breath of fresh air to take a break by doing a new game jam game! Not the most solid definition of a break, but that’s what you get from a team of mostly workaholics.

f you’d like to accompany us during the jam, and also a place where you can show off your own progress and projects, we’ve got a whole sea-of-fun community over at our team’s Discord Server. You can also give us a follow at our team’s Twitter account! We’re looking forward for a splashing performance of you all! ?⏰