We wanted to give everyone out a small status update of what we’ve and are working on, and what you can expect from Whales And Games going forward, as the team starts being more active again. ✅
- We’ve been spending the last few months (including hiatus) in defining goals, vision and team for going forward. We want to start focusing more on iterative and full-of-personality content, while also still putting one-off games out every now and then.
- We’ve also developed a set of back-end tools called Shipyard for better build distribution, protection and social integration. These will be released as open-source at a latter date.
- We’ve also been refining the Whales And Games branding, setting up standards and guidelines for future content and showcasing our stuff.
- We have released a mini-site with all of our currently released games, and have been iterating on it as previous points develop. A full website is still planned to be released at a later point.
- We’re currently working on 2 Major Updates to old projects we’ve had in the backlog for a while, with one of them going to be announced really soon! Every other game or project we have previously mentioned and posted about are not in active development, being in hiatus or cancelled.
- We’ve begun #playtesting one of these major updates the past week. In case you want to sign-up as well, apply now!
- We’re also planning to kick-off Community Events expectably soon at our Discord Server with regular events for community involvement!
- Yes, we’re still having a whale of a time! ??
Of course, there’s more stuff we’ve been discussing for long-term support, but these are the short-term things we are working on. Once we reach time to put those in execution, we’ll talk about them then! Remember you can always keep up with us at our community through our Discord Server!
Cheers! ?