The imagination of plenty of artists is unleashed in card form! Sugar or Spice, duel for your favourite Art Fight 2020 team in Art Fight Duel! ⚔️
Made as an homage to Art Fight, an event that pits artists into two teams to draw characters from each other, this game features 24 original creations from different artists that participated in 2020’s event! Characters of each team, Team Sugar or Team Spice, are ready to duke it out!
Art Fight Duel has been a special project of ours in development since the beginning of August. We had a pre-release version out for a while, but this is the definitive version for this year, featuring audio, polished gameplay and all the quality of life quirks you’d expect from a game of ours! ✨
You can play the game in all desktop, web and mobile versions on itch.io! We’ve also made the character and item cards and sprite sheets showcasing all of the different characters in the game available in their own dedicated page!
You can are feel free to talk about your combos, features you’d like to see and more on the newly opened #art-fight-duel in our Discord Server!

It’s been incredibly pleasant to be releasing a new jam-project after so long and a great privilege being able to feature inspiring character designs from so many artists! If we participate next year again, we’ll totally add even more content, characters and maybe even features, but it’s still too early to tell!
For now, we hope you enjoy Art Fight Duel, and gear up as we move towards Bunny Splash Casino and a return to even more jam games in the future! You can also look forward to a post-mortem about the event and the game soon as well! 👏