You know what time it is! You’re likely in a jolly mood yourself! 🎄 Happy Whalidays and Season’s Greetings from all of our team at Whales And Games! Should you spend it with your family, loved ones, friends, or even by yourself, we wish you have a great time celebrating and enjoying these last days of the year! ✨
The crew got together outside of Townseek’s Meowosville to play in the snow with their friends! They took this photo specifically for you to be able to join and feel some of their fun! Look at how cute Polite Whale and Capt. Jawline look dressed up as reindeers! 🦌

If you join us at Discord Server, we’ve set up a dedicated Whalidays Wonders channel for you to share holiday cheer with others! There you can share some of your holiday traditions, photos, and some of your gifts together with the community. You can post about something you got that surprised you, special food that you’ve prepared just for the occasion, or anything else that fits how you typically celebrate the season, everything goes. We’ll also be giving you a special permanent role if you share some of that with us! The channel is staying up until the 4th of January, so make sure you don’t miss it! ☕
This last year has been a big roller coaster of accomplishments and internal milestones! We dedicated most of the time to working on Townseek’s development, celebrated our fifth anniversary as we officially established our studio as a formal company; attended events in-person and digital; got nominated for awards and got a physical edition featuring Starsnap and Townseek’s Jam Version! And there’s a bunch more we could continue going with!

There’ll be tons of surprises to announce as we head further into the new year! Some of the stuff we have planned has been in the works for months. We would love for you to join us and celebrate with us once those announcements go public! 😊
Well then, have a whale of a time during the Whalidays and the festivities! We’ll catch you up ahead in the new year as we go into vacations during next week! Cheers! 🐳