It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s shameless marketing! The Whales and Games team is proud to present Super Sellout!

Hero duty for super profit! Monetization Man is ready to go save people from disaster, but since being a good guy doesn’t pay the bills, he’ll be needing some sponsors… or as many as he can get.
Sacrifice your integrity to earn big bucks at Super Sellout! Control Monetization Man, the invincible, indestructible and insufferably greedy superhero that will take any and all offers to make it through the month. Accept sponsors, sacrifice your mobility, and try to make as much money as you can! Money, money, money!

In behalf of our team, I hope you enjoy the game and the Ludum Dare rating season. If you have any games you’d like for us to checkout and rate, then make sure to leave them in the comments as we’ll check them first place!
We also have our very own team Discord server and would love for you to share your entries there as well!
See y’all on the flip side! ?