Category: Announcements

Project Buns?

We can’t wait for what’s coming this February, buns! Hope you enjoy the blend!

We’ve got Super Sellout results, and our 2019 road ain’t dark!

Results time! Ludum Dare 43 has come and gone, festivities are over, and it’s time to consider just how did-we-doodly-do! Needless to say, our team at Whales And Games is once again very proud of the results that we have obtained from Super Sellout, our runner where you sacrifice your integrity for sponsor money!

Waggy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! 2018 has come and gone, and we’re ready to make 2019 the waggy-ist year of Whales And Games yet! You might have seen some stuff coming from us last year, but we got a whole sea of stuff planned ahead for you! Prepare for a whale of a time! ??

Season’s Greetings from Whales And Games! Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Season’s greetings from all of us at Whales And Games! While they’re almost over already, we hope they were as snow-white as Whalechan’s hair and we wish you had or are having a fantastic time with yourself, your friends, family and/or loved ones!

Project Buns?

We can’t wait for what’s coming this February, buns! Hope you enjoy the blend!

We’ve got Super Sellout results, and our 2019 road ain’t dark!

Results time! Ludum Dare 43 has come and gone, festivities are over, and it’s time to consider just how did-we-doodly-do! Needless to say, our team at Whales And Games is once again very proud of the results that we have obtained from Super Sellout, our runner where you sacrifice your integrity for sponsor money!

Waggy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! 2018 has come and gone, and we’re ready to make 2019 the waggy-ist year of Whales And Games yet! You might have seen some stuff coming from us last year, but we got a whole sea of stuff planned ahead for you! Prepare for a whale of a time! ??

Season’s Greetings from Whales And Games! Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Season’s greetings from all of us at Whales And Games! While they’re almost over already, we hope they were as snow-white as Whalechan’s hair and we wish you had or are having a fantastic time with yourself, your friends, family and/or loved ones!