Category: Releases, Demos & Updates

Hocus Poolcus Abrasnookabra! Wizsnooks is up!

Whales And Games is proud to present our pool roguelike lootfesta, Wizsnooks for Ludum Dare 41! Get your ball into the magic pool and push it for helmets, weapons and witchcrafty glory!

Ready to Jazz? Play Jazzy Beats!

Be an Jazz-centring idol, capture your rival’s fans hearts and turn them into your fans! The fastest way to get around doing that? Using the power of music, of course! Oh, and punching the living out of them too.

Hocus Poolcus Abrasnookabra! Wizsnooks is up!

Whales And Games is proud to present our pool roguelike lootfesta, Wizsnooks for Ludum Dare 41! Get your ball into the magic pool and push it for helmets, weapons and witchcrafty glory!

Ready to Jazz? Play Jazzy Beats!

Be an Jazz-centring idol, capture your rival’s fans hearts and turn them into your fans! The fastest way to get around doing that? Using the power of music, of course! Oh, and punching the living out of them too.