Wizsnooks – The Wizardly World of Postmortening
It’s time for the final sprint for Ludum Dare! As for Wizsnooks, our loot-frenzy pool action game, we got a post-mortem ready for you.
It’s time for the final sprint for Ludum Dare! As for Wizsnooks, our loot-frenzy pool action game, we got a post-mortem ready for you.
We’ve made some posts before about Wizsnooks, our roguelike loot plundering pool hybrid, but we haven’t touched the idea of the setting yet. That we waited too long to get to it reflects how it happened in the development cycle: We pretty much left the title and setting development to the end.
On my previous post, I talked a bit about why the art of our game, Wizsnooks, looks like that, mostly showcasing some assets. Today, however, I want to bring up something a bit more meaty instead. Say, how about a step-by-step deployment of an asset?
This has been my favorite LD so far, I had the opportunity to work with great teammates. This is a telling of the Jam’s events through my eyes, but not the game’s post mortem! Not yet at least!
On Ludum Dare 40, I wrote about how I spent 2 days drawing characters for our game. It was a follow up to the post I made on LD 38 about Krita, the free open-source program. Today, I’ll be retreading the whole thing, but applied to the art of our latest game, Wizsnooks!
It’s time for the final sprint for Ludum Dare! As for Wizsnooks, our loot-frenzy pool action game, we got a post-mortem ready for you.
We’ve made some posts before about Wizsnooks, our roguelike loot plundering pool hybrid, but we haven’t touched the idea of the setting yet. That we waited too long to get to it reflects how it happened in the development cycle: We pretty much left the title and setting development to the end.
On my previous post, I talked a bit about why the art of our game, Wizsnooks, looks like that, mostly showcasing some assets. Today, however, I want to bring up something a bit more meaty instead. Say, how about a step-by-step deployment of an asset?
This has been my favorite LD so far, I had the opportunity to work with great teammates. This is a telling of the Jam’s events through my eyes, but not the game’s post mortem! Not yet at least!
On Ludum Dare 40, I wrote about how I spent 2 days drawing characters for our game. It was a follow up to the post I made on LD 38 about Krita, the free open-source program. Today, I’ll be retreading the whole thing, but applied to the art of our latest game, Wizsnooks!