Happy New Year! 🎆 As the holiday season comes to a close, it’s fair to say that the last year wasn’t easy. Even then we all withstood its misfortunes, pulling our best, the world kept spinning, and so did our lil’studio at Whales And Games!
First off, we wanted to thank everyone for the support that you’ve given us through the past year! Thank you for your comments, reviews, art gifts, trades, commissions, and your participation with our community! It’s these interactions that our studio is built-upon, and we treasure each and everyone one of them. 💕

As we start this new year, there’s a lot of stuff we want to announce and tell you what we’ve been up too! If we were to make a quick bullet list, it’d be something like this:
- We’ve rebooted Bunny Splash Casino’s development, our adults-only management-simulation and visual novel game, back in November! We’ve also ditched the Bunny Copulation brand and want, even with the game’s themes, to be proud that it is a Whales And Games project!
- We want to give a fresh coat-of-paint to the Whales And Games branding over the year! We’ve refreshed our characters and some of our presentation last year, and now, we want to bring it to our core brand as well, especially as we start hosting commercial projects.
- We want to address our previous projects like Roboto Repairaton and Colossorama! If possible and without conflicting with Bunny Splash Casino’s development, we’d like to finally release them.
- Global Game Jam is coming up and being online for the first time! We definitely want to get in on that game jam!
- And much more…!
These are very exciting times for our team! However, if there’s something we’ve learned with Whales And Games is that we frequently get ahead of ourselves. As much as we’d like to get into the details of each point, we want to get what we’re working on is bright and shiny before we show it off to you! ✨
Our 4th anniversary will be happening in just a couple of months in March! When we get there and over the course of the next few months, we’ll tell you about what we’ve got on the blender! 😉
Hold on a bit longer to your sails, alright? If not, come down to the deck at our Whales And Games Discord or follow us on Twitter! We’ve been sharing development details more casually over on those places, so if you want a few sneak peeks, feel free to join in!
If you’re looking for Bunny Splash Casino news there’s also its own Discord and Twitter! Since it’s an adult-only game, we thought it’d be better to keep them in separate, age-gated channels.
Here’s to a happy new year, and a whale of 2021! 🐳